House of Digital Media Education
Media education plays a major role in the Digitalstadt Darmstadt. Media education should enable children, young people and adults to act independently in the digital world. The House of Digital Media Education offers a suitable educational program in the modern digital media landscape, for exchange and reflection. It is aimed at children, young people, parents, teachers and educational professionals.

Children and young people nowadays grow up with digital devices and services as a matter of course. However, this practised orientation in the diverse digital world is not commonplace for a section of the (grand)parent generation. In addition, new challenges such as constantly being available, increased efficiency in both private and professional life, and a wide range of news and information offerings shape our day-to-day activities.
The Haus der digitale Medienbildung offers suitable educational opportunities in the modern digital media landscape, for discussion and reflection. Among other things, children and young people can learn to use their smartphones and social networks confidently and critically. Parents, teachers and educators deal with the digital environments of children and young people and learn how to integrate digital media into educational processes in a contemporary way. The project focuses on people and not on the medium.
Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH’s Haus der digitalen Medienbildung project in the field of education is being implemented together with the Social department of Science City Darmstadt, the Institute for Media Pedagogy and Communication (MuK).
The core of the Haus der digitalen Medienbildung project are media pedagogical events that are specifically tailored to the target groups. Media practice days are organised at all primary schools in Darmstadt, where children are introduced theoretically and practically to the mechanisms and effects of the digital world.
In the Haus der digitalen Medienbildung, a special focus is placed on the participation of children and young people, in which they can contribute their wishes and demands. But there will also be opportunities for adults and educational staff in the form of specialist days and information events to drive forward the discussion of digitalisation. An internet platform, which is co-designed by children and young people, will complement the offer.
There are also special information evenings for parents, which provide interesting information about children and young people growing up, the use and impact of media, as well as social developments. The project is rounded off by further training events, such as specialist days and conferences, which are aimed at educators. The symposiums and conferences address current issues in media education and provide answers to them. Teachers and educational staff will also work in cooperation with the Medienzentrum Darmstadt to explore the digital environments of the 21st century and learn how to integrate digital media into educational processes in a contemporary manner.
What is the use of
Who benefits from it
What is the schedule
Who is responsible
Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt / Sozialdezernat