The summer weather drew many people outside last weekend. Numerous walkers were also out and about between Mathildenhöhe and Rosenhöhe and noticed an information stand at Löwentor.
Albrecht Haag (Kultur einer Digitalstadt e.V.) and Anne Weisel (Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH) had (digital) tours to water locations around Mathildenhöhe and Rosenhöhe in their luggage and helped with the use of the app at the start and end points. They also provided visitors with water ice and information about the “Smart Water” project.
The aim of the day of action was to raise awareness of water in the city and to explore the measures of “Smart Water”. This took place as part of the “Rhine-Main Industrial Heritage Days”, which this year had water as its theme.
These well-known days of action were the ideal occasion to draw attention to the “Smart Water” project and directly involve citizens.
The tours, which took place on September 2, could be followed by hand or with a map. There were also explanatory texts and an audio guide. Those who wanted to hike or cycle a little further could also complete tours to Lichtwiese or Oberfeld.
This meant that lesser-known waterside locations, which you might otherwise simply walk past, also caught the eye during the walk.
Of course, well-known Darmstadt highlights were not to be missed.
In the plane tree grove, an audio guide provided information about the young trees and the new irrigation system.
An all-round successful day with many interested citizens who got to know familiar and new water places in and around Darmstadt.